Advanced Debt Collection Techniques
Debt Collection Strategies

Are you uncertain as to whether your debtor will pay your unpaid debt? Or did you run out of ways to effect debt recovery? It’s an extremely cumbersome task to recover past due receivables. At the Stevens-Lloyd Group we utilize a unique blend which incorporates phone calls, strong written communication skills and litigation. When traditional collection methods fail, we and our debt collection attorneys deploy advanced collection techniques. Below are some of the methods we utilize to collect outstanding monies. These debt recovery techniques will help you recover your money immediately.
Making Phone Calls
Ask for payment in full. If the debtor refuses to pay the entire debt, determine what the problem is. The debtor’s priorities may be other creditors to be paid or their cash flow may be poor. Make sure your outstanding receivables are his or her priority.
While making calls keep the following things in mind:
- Call the debtor at the right time of day. Monitor their working routine.
- While on the call document the conversation. Don’t forget the important points verbalized by the debtor.
- Don’t leave messages
- Communicate to the debtor company clearly and concisely. Don’t be vague.
Written Communication
Strong written communication when it pertains to debt collection is essential. Deploy invoices and firm and professionally written demand letters when asking for immediate payment. The goal is to get the debtor’s attention and to avoid any misunderstandings. You want to be paid-in-full promptly. Make it clear to the debtor company as to when the bill needs to be paid, any interest or finance charges applicable, and in some cases the consequences for not paying.
If all else fails, taking strong legal action against the debtor in case of non-payment may be the best course of action. We recommend that litigation be taken only if your unpaid bill is uncontested. If the debtor company vehemently contests the bill, it can be a no-win situation. Subsequently this process will involve the presentation of legal documents and court summoning of both parties. Even though legal action is initiated, negotiation and resolution are still possible which in many cases is the best path towards debt recovery.
The Stevens-Lloyd Group utilizes a worldwide network of expert debt collection attorneys who work closely with our firm to recover more than 75% of the bad debt which comes across our desk. Read our e-book 2018 List of Collection Attorneys,
Pre-Judgment Writ of Attachment
A Pre-judgment writ of attachments can be effective in certain debt recovery situations. This is where one of our expert debt collections attorneys’ files this action and effectively freezes all the debtor’s assets once the lawsuit is filed. Pre-judgment writs of attachments would apply to undisputed commercial cases of at least $50,000.00 to $100,000.00. The plaintiff usually would file a surety bond which states that one party will pay if that party loses the case. The plaintiff would post a bond of $200.00 to $500.00 and the risk is if they lose at trial the other side can file for damages.
The Pre-Judgment Writ of Attachment is effectuated after the lawsuit has been filed. The advantage of this advanced debt collection technique is that the normal legal process may be prolonged for several years which would allow the debtor to liquidate all his assets or no assets are left to pay off the creditors. The Pre-Judgment Writ of Attachment prevents this from happening.
Suspending Contractor Licenses
If a contractor is unable or unwilling to pay the creditor, one of our skilled debt collection attorneys can file a Suspension of Contractor License action with the state the debtor company operates in. This allows our client the authority to suspend the debtor’s license until the unpaid debt is resolved. This gives our clients the upper hand in collecting the debt. For instance, in the state of California, If the contractor fails to resolve their debt with the creditor a judgment can become permanent with the Contractor’s State Licensing Board. In such cases, all the contractors’ licenses will be suspended including new company licenses.
Filing Involuntary Bankruptcy Petition
Without the consent of the company, several creditors have the authority to force the debtor company into an involuntary bankruptcy Chapter 7. This can only be done under a given set of circumstances that has to be met. The requirements of the involuntary bankruptcy petition are as follows:
- There must be a required number of creditors
- The debtor company is not paying their debts
- A specific chapter must be allocated
Filing for Involuntary Bankruptcy can be an effective means for recovering debt especially if large sums of money are involved.
The usual debt recovery protocol of telephone calls, written demands and aggressive legal action is effective more than 95% of the time. But on occasion, creativity and advanced knowledge of the legal system allows the savvy creditor, debt collector or debt collection attorney more avenues and options to recover monies otherwise left on the table. When that time comes, trust the Stevens-Lloyd Group to help you collect.